Navigating the Last 15 Pounds
Those last 15 pounds, you ever wonder why they seem so "hard" to lose? For the last 15 pounds your desire for food has to be way toned down, allowed urges for off protocol and unplanned food should be feel easy, your planned "joy eats" should be about once a week, and you should be honoring your hunger scale and stopping eating when you are truly satisfied. For reference, while I was losing the last 15 pounds, I had two planned nights a week where I would have two glasses of nice wine with my husband and one joy food a week, sometimes every other week. That's what I needed, you might be different. The real key was figuring out when I was truly satisfied and not continuing to eat to buffer away negative emotions, or as a source of distraction or comfort.
Fun fact! While I was losing my weight, I reached out to Katrina Ubell for help. In Episode #226 she responds to a poorly worded email that I wrote her (oy vey lol) which helped me to realize my brain still needed work and I needed coaching to help me navigate it. Shortly thereafter, I decided to enroll in the Life Coach School (I need to credit Brooke Castillo here because her work has literally changed my life) to learn more about coaching so I could better coach myself and create a coaching program to help busy moms and women in healthcare, permanently lose the weight using life and weight loss coaching tools taught to me in my certification program that helped make my weight loss permanent, simple and sustainable.
Katrina Ubell Episode #226 (I'm that Brittany)
If you are interested in how coaching can help you lose the weight permanently and for more coaching tips and tools, please visit my website and sign up for a free consultation at